Take Time For Yourself This Holiday Season
The end of 2022 is here and it’s got me thinking about how I would like to spend my vacation time this holiday season.
The December holiday season is a time when the majority of us take a long break from work and indulge in holiday festivities, be it spending time with family, travelling to bucket-list destinations, taking a vacation with friends etc. Anything feels possible during this time.
But why do we have to wait for the holiday season to take a long break (10+ days), that is, assuming you have access to PTO — Paid Time Off. Taking PTO is not something that is often encouraged but is something we are entitled to regardless. Whether we take time off or not, work will always be there. It’s not going anywhere, so why not take some time for yourself?
In today’s work culture, it’s very easy to get caught up in the day to day work life that we forget how important it is to have an identity beyond our work title. So whether you work for a company that encourages taking time off or offers unlimited vacation days, it is still easy to ignore taking time off if you are not intentional about it. Yet prioritizing time to embrace boredom and/or engage in hobbies has been proven to nourish our productivity and wellbeing.

Rest is important and I am a firm believer in taking time for yourself to do whatever YOU want to do. The activities could range from running errands that have been postponed for months to binge-watching your ‘watch later’ list. It could involve outdoor activities or just staying indoors. Your time away can be whatever you want it to be.
Sleep, travel, hike, journal, reflect, read, meet up with loved ones etc. Do whatever YOU want to do. Learn to exist without thinking about what you have to do next. Shed yourself of the busy-body tendencies that affect our productivity at work. Last but definitely not least, REST. Rest so that you can get into the new year ready to seize any new opportunities that come your way.
I wish you lots of fun, rest and love this holiday period!